

Questions about your life  

Email readings within 24 hours

Book an email reading now

Skype, Messenger, or Whatsapp

This is an indication of the prices and features of my angels card reading.
For a reading click on the message box  ,and you will, after filling out the form come on the pricelist .

Private reading

 We can make an appointment to sit down for a full card reading including either a Celtic Cross Spread, three card reading, or heart reading.  Includes answers to questions such as the basis of your situation, challenges you are facing, insights into the past, present or future, and more

1 hour  between $30-50 or € 25-45

​1/2 hour  between $20-25 or € 15-35


Have an angel party up to four people for a reading!.

2 hours between $ 120-250/ € 100-200


Phone readings are the same as a private reading but over the phone for your convenience through skype, facebook and other media’s.

I wil come back to you with the complete reading through email.

Your Angels are always with you, to guide you. I’m  just the messenger.

    1 hour aver between $30-50 or € 25-45

   1/2hour  between  $20-40 or € 15-35

plus the cost of your phone call.

You can hire us for your corporate event.

5 hours

Averages between $ 150-500 or € 100-450

Skype, Messenger, Whatsapp, Viber, Hangouts, Facetime

​Includes readings such as the Celtic Cross,

Heart readings,or three card spreads.

 Aver between 1/2 hr $20-40 or € 15-35

  Email Reply

1 question aver between $30-50 or € 25-45

2 questions aver between $40-60 or €35-60

Ask me 1 or 2 questions and I will respond within 24 hours

and have your detailed reading ready within 72 hours. A 20 minute follow up on social media

Facetime,or phone call is included to answer any questions about your reading

Charitable organizations

Contact use trough email and leave your phone number please

Email angel-suprt@outlook.com